Once again the drive through traffic was as exciting as an amusement park ride, especially from the front seat. We arrived at the temple and were in awe of the sheer beauty of the structure which rises from the sea, waves crashing around the rocks, thankful for the sea breeze and the smell of the salt air. There was a ceremony of some kind about to begin as Eddie tried to explain to us. Poor Eddie, he doesn't speak very much English, and we speak no Indonesian, and the little I have attempted I have really butchered something fierce. He tried to explain to us that we should come back later as the ceremony was about to begin. (just let me take a moment here to say that the Balinese people have a ceremony for everything, and they are happening all the time. God should be very very good to them) It took a few minutes of duh, and what, and ok, and just let me go see, before we finally took his word for it, and decided we would go and do some shopping in the stalls that line the walkway to the temple.
Being kind and not wanting to drag poor Eddie along on a torturous shopping expedition, we pulled out some Balinese money and stared at it for a while, gave him about $.13 and told him to go and have lunch, we would see him in about two hours. He was very sweet, and went and sat on a rock over by the sea looking out at the temple. Not sure if we offended him, maybe he wanted to shop with us, maybe he liked to sit on a rock, whatever, but then we decided, maybe we gave him the wrong money. Snooky dug around and got some other kind of money and gave that to him and we apologized and waved goodbye.
We shopped until we found a really cool bat hanging from a perch, he was super cool! I will never look at Dracula and be ascared again! He was just primping himself, like a cat, lickin his cute little legs, looked me right in the eyes! Two beings, both blind as "bats." It was a moment... It was time to eat again!