When I remember some of the craziest and most momentous times in my life, my cousin was by my side. I remember walking on the wall around the Temple in Freeport pretending it was a tightrope and buying ice cream at the candy store on the corner by our Grandma's house. My first cigarette was shared with her the night we thought about painting the Bingo sign to Ringo....we didn't. Not too many years later we eloped together, only I got married to Bob and Pete made her wait another year! That was one of the funniest trips I ever took! Who laughs so hard during their wedding they are afraid they will get yelled at by the preacher?
Over the years we watched our babies grow, well, she watched a lot more than I did, but we were always there to bolster each other if things got too heavy or either of us needed a shoulder to cry on. We just had this knack for knowing when the other one needed to hear a funny story, or a word of advice. I think my all time favorite was the story of the hermit crabs. I was having a less than stellar day when the phone rang. It was Snooky, just sharing. She was folding the laundry and found the hermit crab's legs in the clean things that had just come out of the dyer...how to tell the kids. They must have been in someone's pocket. Forgive us kids for the tears we cried from laughing about that one!
Over the years we watched our babies grow, well, she watched a lot more than I did, but we were always there to bolster each other if things got too heavy or either of us needed a shoulder to cry on. We just had this knack for knowing when the other one needed to hear a funny story, or a word of advice. I think my all time favorite was the story of the hermit crabs. I was having a less than stellar day when the phone rang. It was Snooky, just sharing. She was folding the laundry and found the hermit crab's legs in the clean things that had just come out of the dyer...how to tell the kids. They must have been in someone's pocket. Forgive us kids for the tears we cried from laughing about that one!
She was my Matron of Honor and about 9 months pregnant when I remarried. We have both buried our Dad's, shared the heartbreak of death in many forms. We are both strong and independent women, and it seems so fitting that this adventure is something we get to share. Now we add Anne to the mix, and become a trio. Anne is also family, Snooky's little sister and not quite as crazy as we are, yet.....